The History of the group
L-Istorja tal-Għaqda
The group was set up by a small group of parents of young ADHD teens needing to find proper help and more information to help their children back in 1996. They obtained information mainly from America and UK. They then decided to share set up a formal NGO to be able to share their knowledge with other parents and to sensitize professionals along the way too.The group is still here for whoever needs it!
Il-grupp gie ffurmat minn numru zgħir ta ġenituri ta addoloxxenti bl- adhd li kellhom bzonn ta aktar informazzjoni u għinuna biex jgħinu t-tfal tagħhom aħjar , fl-1996. L-informazzjoni u l-għinuna li sabu ġiet prinċiparjament mill-Amerika u Ingilterra. Huma ddeċidew li jiffurmaw agħqda volontarja biex ikunu jistgħu jaqsmu dak li tgħallmu ma ġenituri oħra kif ukoll biex jissenssitizzaw professjonisti fil-qasam ukoll. Il-grupp għadu hawn għal kull min għandu bżonn!