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Cover |
Title of Book | Summary |
Author |
ISBN Number |
101 Games for Social Skills | Creative and dynamic games to help children develop positive relationships in their complex social journey through life. |
Jeremy Mosley & Helen Sonnet |
9781855033702 |
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 |
Helping you establish an effective, appropriate discipline system that helps children listen better and motivate themselves to behave well. |
Thomas W Phelan |
9780963386199 |
1-2-3 Magic: Surviving Your Adolescents: How to Manage and Let Go of Your 13-18 Year Olds |
A guide for parents on how to communicate with teens, manage teenage risk-taking, letting go, and when to seek professional help. |
Dr Thomas W Phelan |
9781889140605 |
50 activities and Games for kids with ADHD |
Over 50 ways for kids to handle ADHD problems – practical tips for making life more manageable, and stories about real kids with ADHD. |
Patricia O Quinn and Judith M Stern |
9781591474838 |
7 days to understand your Teen |
A teenager with ADHD offers his unique insight on helping parents and teens bridge their communication gap. |
Caleb Sessions |
9780615805672 |
AD/HD’97 – 7-9th April 1997 |
University of Oxford |
ADD in Adults – Help for Adults Who suffer from ADD |
This book shows how to cope with ADD by explaining in clear terms its causes and symptons and providing effective strategies that can help you manage it. |
Dr G Serfontein |
9780731803903 |
ADD Success Stories – A guide of fulfillment for families with ADD |
Inspiring real-life stories which show how people with ADD can succeed in school, at work, and in relationships. |
T Hartman |
9781887424035 |
ADD/ADHD – A case study (May 1999) |
A case study of a Maltese child with ADHD, including recommendations for helpful classroom supports for such children. |
Elizia M. Vassallo |
ADD: Practical Activities in School |
Tony Attwood |
1860831451 |
ADHD – A complete and Authoritative Guide |
An American guide on ADHD for parents, with suggestions for education support and parenting techniques. |
American Academy of Pediatrics |
9781581101218 |
ADHD – How to deal with Very Difficult Children |
A guide for parents and teachers, explaining ADHD and how to help, and that the adults must first learn to deal with their own reactions and emotions. |
Alan Train |
9780285633117 |
ADHD And Education – A Resource for Teachers |
hadd Family Support Group |
ADHD and the Nature of Self-Control |
Russell A Barkley |
9781593852313 |
ADHD at School – A guide for parents and teachers of Children with ADHD and LD |
ADDitude Magazine |
ADHD Coaching – A guide for mental health professionals |
Frances Prevatt and Abigail Levrini |
9781433820144 |
ADHD Living without Brakes (Hardcover) |
Martin L Kutscher |
9781843108733 |
ADHD Living without Brakes (Softcover) |
Martin L Kutscher |
9781849058162 |
ADHD: The first Century of Understanding |
ADDiss – 5th International ADDiss Conference |
Adult AD/HD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
M Novatni, T A Whiteman |
9781576833575 |
Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything |
Kenneth Hall |
9781853029301 |
Attention Deficit Disorder – A Different Perception |
Thom Hartmann |
9780887331565 |
Attention Deficit Disorder – The Unfocused mind in Children and Adults |
T E Brown |
9780300119893 |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – A collection of Informative Articles |
ADHD North West |
Attention without tension – A teachers handbook on attention disorders (ADHD/ADD) |
E Copeland, V Love |
9781886941014 |
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (3rd edition) |
Russell A Barkley |
9781593852276 |
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – In the classroom a practical guide for teachers |
C Dowdy, J Patton, R Smith, E Polloway |
9780890796658 |
Coaching Card Kids Colouring Book |
Cyber Junkie |
Kevin Roberts |
9781592859481 |
Delivered from Distraction |
Edward M Hallowell and John J Ratey |
9780345442314 |
Driven to distraction |
Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D. |
9780307743152 |
Driven to distraction at work |
Edward M. Hallowell |
9781422186411 |
Eagle Eyes – A child’s guide to paying attention |
J Gehret |
9781884281112 |
Empowering Youth with ADHD |
Jodi Sleeper-Triplett MCC, SCAC |
9781886941960 |
Engagement time- A national study of students with social, emotional and behaviour difficulties in Maltese schools |
C Cefai, P Cooper, L Camilleri |
9789993206804 |
Everything a child needs to know about ADHD (for children 6 to 12 years) |
Dr C R Yemula |
9780955403309 |
Executive Functions – What They Are, How They Work, and Why They Evolved |
Russell A Barkley |
9781462505357 |
Fed Up – Understanding how food affects your child and what you can do about it |
S Dengate |
9780091836986 |
Fidget to Focus – Outwit your boredom: Sensory strategies for living with ADD |
R Rotz, S D Wright |
9780595350100 |
From Chaos to Calm – Effective parenting of Challenging Children with ADHD and other Behavioural problems |
J Heininger, S Weiss |
9780399526619 |
Getting on the right track: Life with ADD |
ADDA2001 |
Good Child Guide |
Hiding an Elephant – Living with Adult ADHD |
Kim A Gay |
9781616634339 |
How do you solve a problem like ADHD (March 2007) |
ADDiss – 8th Internatonal ADDISS Conference |
Hyperactive Dreamers |
Marko Ferek |
97819268664037 |
Learning Disability and Challenging Behaviours |
N Mather, S Goldstein |
9781557665003 |
Life with Parkinsons |
Living with ADHD – Booklets |
ADDiss |
Lost & Found – Helping behaviourally Challenging Students (and, while you’re at it, all the others) |
Jossey-Bass |
9781118898574 |
Lost at School – Why our kids with behavioural challenges are falling through the cracks and how we can help them |
Ross W. Greene, Ph.D. |
9781501101496 |
Making the connection – A parent’s guide to Medication in AD/HD |
DR M Hanna |
9780976066217 |
Managing ADHD in School |
Russell A. Barkley, PhD |
9781559570435 |
Many Ways To Learn – Young people’s guide to LD |
J Stern, Uzi Ben Ami |
9780945354741 |
Married to Distraction |
Edward M Hallowell and Sue George Hallowell |
9780345508003 |
Movers, Dreamers and Risk-takers: Unlocking the Power of ADHD |
Kevin Roberts |
9781616492045 |
My Brother’s a World-Class Pain |
Michael Gordon Ph.D. |
9780962770128 |
Parenting the strong-willed child: The clinically proven 5 week programme for parents of 2-6 year olds |
R Forehand, N Long |
9780809232659 |
Peer Counselling in Schools: a time to listen |
H Cowie, S Sharp |
9781853463679 |
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual |
Hawthorne |
Raising Resilient Children |
R Brooks, Sam Goldstein |
9780809297658 |
Responding to student diversity - Teacher’s Handbook |
P Bartolo, I Janik, V Janikova, etc |
Smart but Stuck – Emotions in Teens and Adults with ADHD |
Thomas E Brown, PhD |
9781118279281 |
Socially ADDept |
Janet Z Giler Ph.D. |
9780966696929 |
Sometimes I get all Scribbly – Living with ADHD |
M Bissen Neuville |
9780890796672 |
Strateġija għall-Ħarsien u l-Inklużjoni Soċjali 2006-2008 |
Ministry of Health |
Surviving your Adolescents – How to Manage and Let go of Your 13-18 year olds (3rd Edition) |
Thomas W Phelan |
9781889140605 |
Taking Charge of ADHD |
Russell A Barkley |
9780898620993 |
Taking Charge of ADHD – The complete Authoritative Guide for Parents |
R A Barkley |
9781572305601 |
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD |
Russell A Barkley |
9781606233382 |
Talk, Time, Teamwork: Collaborative Management of Students with ADHD: Positive and Practical Information for Schools |
NSW Department of school Education, Special Education Directorate. |
Teacher & Child – A book for parents and teachers |
Dr H G Ginott |
20139748 |
Teaching Social Behaviour |
David Warden & Donald Christie |
9781853464690 |
The Adult Attention Deficit Disorders Intervention Manual |
Michele T Jackson |
The Anger Workbook for Teens |
Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, MS |
9781572246997 |
The Childhood Bipolar Disorder Answer book |
Tracy Anglada and Sheryl M Hakala |
9781402211775 |
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Adult ADHD |
Eileen Bailey and Donald Haupt |
9781615640065 |
The Defiant Child |
Dr Douglas A Riley |
9780878339631 |
The Down & Dirty Guide to Adult ADHD |
Michael Gordon Ph.D. & F. Daniel McClure PhD |
9780962770197 |
The Down & Dirty Guide to Adult ADHD |
Michael Gordon, & F Daniel McClure |
9780962770197 |
The Good Child Guide – Putting an end to a bad behaviour |
Noel Swanson |
The Hidden Handicap |
Dr G Serfontein |
9780731801572 |
The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD |
Lidia Zylowska, MD |
9781590308479 |
The "Putting on the Brakes" Activity book for Young People with ADHD |
P Quinn & J M Stern |
9780945354574 |
The Queen of Distraction – How Women with ADHD Can Conquer Chaos, Find Focus and Get More Done |
Terry Matlen |
9781626250895 |
The Remarkable Nutrition Treatment for ADHD, Dyslexia & Dyspraxia – The LCP Solution |
B Jacqueline Stordy and Malcolm J Nicholl |
9780345438720 |
The Tipping points |
Phil Anderton PhD |
9780955403323 |
Understand Your Brain, Get More Done: The ADHD Executive Functions Workbook |
Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA |
9781886941397 |
Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder – A parent’s guide to ADD in children |
Dr C Green |
9780091808440 |
Understanding Girls with ADHD |
Kathleen G Nadeau, Ellen B Littman, Patricia O Quinn |
9780971460973 |
When an Adult You Love has ADHD |
Russell A Barkley |
9781433823084 |
Women with Attention Deficit Disorder – Embrace your difference and Transform Your Life |
Sari Solden MS, LMFT |
9780978590925 |
You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy! |
Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo |
684815311 |
You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy! (updated version) |
Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo |
9780743264488 |
Your Defiant Teen – 10 Steps to resolve conflict and rebuild your relationship (2nd Edition) |
Russell A. Barkley, PhD Arthur L. Robin, PhD with Christine M. Benton |
9781462511662 |